Items filtered by date: September 2024

Tuesday, 10 September 2024 00:00

Features of Running and Walking Shoes

Running shoes and walking shoes are designed with distinct features tailored to their respective activities. Running shoes are built to handle the higher impact forces of running, featuring more cushioning in the heel to absorb shock and provide support during each stride. They often have a more pronounced heel-to-toe drop, which promotes a forward motion. In contrast, walking shoes are designed for lower impact and typically have a flatter sole, offering even cushioning and greater flexibility. The emphasis in walking shoes is on stability and comfort for the repetitive heel-to-toe motion of walking. Additionally, walking shoes usually have a more rigid midsole to support the arch and enhance stability. Choosing the appropriate shoe based on your activity helps prevent injury and ensures better performance and comfort. If you have endured a foot or ankle injury from wearing the wrong type of shoes, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can treat various foot conditions, and guide you on which shoes to buy for your desired activity.

For more information about walking shoes versus running shoes, consult with one of our podiatrists from The Foot Institute. Our doctors can measure your feet to determine what your needs are and help you find an appropriate pair of footwear.

Foot Health: The Differences between Walking & Running Shoes

There are great ways to stay in shape: running and walking are two great exercises to a healthy lifestyle. It is important to know that running shoes and walking shoes are not interchangeable. There is a key difference on how the feet hit the ground when someone is running or walking. This is why one should be aware that a shoe is designed differently for each activity.

You may be asking yourself what the real differences are between walking and running shoes and the answers may shock you.


Walking doesn’t involve as much stress or impact on the feet as running does. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be any less prepared. When you’re walking, you land on your heels and have your foot roll forward. This rolling motion requires additional support to the feet.

Flexibility – Walking shoes are designed to have soft, flexible soles. This allows the walker to push off easily with each step.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Westside, Northeast, Eastside, and Northwest, El Paso, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Differences between Walking and Running Shoes

A foot stress fracture is a small crack in a bone, typically resulting from repetitive force or overuse. This injury commonly occurs in athletes or individuals who suddenly increase their physical activity without adequate preparation. Factors contributing to stress fractures include wearing improper footwear, inadequate training techniques, and sudden changes in exercise intensity. Symptoms often involve localized pain that worsens with activity and improves with rest. To prevent foot stress fractures, it is essential to gradually increase activity levels, choose supportive footwear, and incorporate proper warm-up and stretching routines. Strengthening exercises for the foot and lower leg can also help build resilience. If you have sustained a foot stress fracture, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist who can treat this condition.

Stress fractures occur when there is a tiny crack within a bone. To learn more, contact one of our podiatrists from The Foot Institute. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain free and on your feet.

How Are They Caused?

Stress fractures are the result of repetitive force being placed on the bone. Since the lower leg and feet often carry most of the body’s weight, stress fractures are likely to occur in these areas. If you rush into a new exercise, you are more likely to develop a stress fracture since you are starting too much, too soon.  Pain resulting from stress fractures may go unnoticed at first, however it may start to worsen over time.

Risk Factors

  • Gender – They are more commonly found in women compared to men.
  • Foot Problems – People with unusual arches in their feet are more likely to develop stress fractures.
  • Certain Sports – Dancers, gymnasts, tennis players, runners, and basketball players are more likely to develop stress fractures.
  • Lack of Nutrients – A lack of vitamin D and calcium may weaken the bones and make you more prone to stress fractures
  • Weak Bones – Osteoporosis can weaken the bones therefore resulting in stress fractures

Stress fractures do not always heal properly, so it is important that you seek help from a podiatrist if you suspect you may have one. Ignoring your stress fracture may cause it to worsen, and you may develop chronic pain as well as additional fractures.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Westside, Northeast, Eastside, and Northwest, El Paso, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle

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